Meet the Governors
Welcome to the Governors' section.
Perton First School has a proactive and engaging Governing Board that works for the best interests of pupils, teachers and parents.
At Perton First School the Governing Board is responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the Headteacher, Mrs Bennett, who is responsible for day-to-day management, the Governing Board helps to set the school's aims and policies.
Key roles of Governors:
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- To hold the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
Every Governing Board decision made helps to ensure that all our children have the very best opportunities available.
Our Governing Board is a good mix of people from the local community, who can bring different viewpoints, experience, skills and fresh ideas with them. These include parents, staff at the school, residents in the locality or representatives of local churches and local authorities.
Our Governors are volunteers to the board and regularly give their time to attend a variety of meetings and attend pupil concerts and events. Our Governing Board is visible within the school on many occasions, to see the children grow and progress is the greatest reward of being a school Governor.
If you have any questions for the Governing Board you are welcome to email the Chair of Governors.
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Please read our individual profiles to find out more...
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The Governing Board
Please find below details of how our Governing Board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
Governors – General Information
Schools are run by Governing Boards, who work with Headteachers and the Senior Leadership Team to ensure
that pupils get the best education.
OFSTED comments on our school Governing Board included:
"Leadership and management are excellent and the school is constantly striving to improve on the high quality
education that it provides for its pupils. Governors are very clear about the school’s strengths and weaknesses and
they are not afraid to challenge decisions. Governance is excellent. The school has the benefit of hard working, knowledgeable and committed governors. They have the interests of all members of the school community, pupils, parents and staff at the heart of what they do. They work in close
partnership with the school to achieve the school’s aims and share the vision of the school. As a result the school works together as a harmonious community."
What we do?
Our Governing Board is responsible for making sure the school is run so that all our children are supported to achieve their full potential. We are involved in:
· Setting the direction, policies and objectives of the school
· Approving the school budget
· Making sure the curriculum is balanced and broad
· Appointing, challenging and supporting the Headteacher
· Hearing, representing and responding to the views of parents
We do these tasks through our termly full Governors meetings which all Governors attend, and through our termly personnel, premises, teaching and learning and finance subcommittee meetings.
As school Governors we take an active part in daily school life, overseeing aspects such as; the School Improvement Plan, Early Years, SEND, Safeguarding, Health and Safety etc. We meet regularly with the member of staff responsible for this area and discuss recent achievements and aims for the year.
We also like to spend time in and around school observing good practice. We carry out learning walks and other aspects of self-review and provide challenge to the leadership team. We regularly attend aspects such as concerts and productions, parent’s evenings, PTFA meetings, fairs and
fund raising activities. Although we do this role as a volunteer we take our job very seriously and love to see the progress the children make in their journey through Perton First School.
What we can’t do
We work as a collective group and individual Governors have no powers except where the whole Governing Board has given them a specific task to do.
We make our decisions based on the advice of committees and not individually. We don’t go into school and make demands of the Headteacher and staff.
To find out more information on our Governors, ask any member of the Governing Board or go to or