Nursery - Little Owls and Little Chicks
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Little Owls and Little Chicks
Book Week 2024 Masked Reader Videos
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Clip 2 Crisp.mp4
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Clip 3 Bat Cat.mp4
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Clip 4 Green Alien.MP4
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Clip 5 Tiger.MP4
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Clip 6 Broccoli.MP4
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Clip 7 Bee.MP4
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Clip 8 Lemon.mp4
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Clip 9 Ice Cream.mp4
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Clip 10 Superman.mp4
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Clip 11 Pancakes.mp4
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Clip 12 Princess Fiona.mp4
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Nursery is often your child's first step into their exciting school journey. Our main aim during their first few weeks is to ensure that each child feels safe, settled and secure. It's important to us that the children build bonds with their keyworkers and their peers, so we prioritise relationships. Safeguarding and wellbeing is at the heart of everything that we do. Some children take longer than others to settle and it can be an upsetting time for children and parents. We'll work together for as long as it takes.
We know that children learn best through rich, playful opportunities where they explore, investigate and discover. We provide engaging, meaningful and fun activities which develop their skills and knowledge. The curriculum is carefully and thoughtfully planned to ensure progression and we leave time to follow the interests of the children too. The right balance of challenge and support is offered to the children in a natural and fun way.
Mrs Harris - Nursery Teacher
"Hi! I'm Mrs Harris and I love early years teaching; it has been my passion for more than twenty years. I have worked across the primary age range but can say, with confidence, that I'm in my favourite place. I am one of the assistant head teachers with responsibility for nursery, reception and year one, looked after children, ethnic minority learners, pupil premium children and early reading and phonics. I am busy at school but I always prioritise the children. I love research and I'm always reading to deepen my knowledge and understanding of learning. Experience has taught me that relationships are the key to effective teaching and learning and I work hard to nurture my relationships with the children and families. We have a fantastic team in nursery, who go above and beyond to unlock the potential of each and every child."
"I plan the nursery curriculum using Development Matters, Bug Club Phonics, NCETM maths, my experience and children's current interests. I oversee the teaching and the assessment across nursery and have a good overview of development. I work closely with the senior leadership team and the school SENCo as well as parents and professionals as required."
The Nursery Team
The nursery has a large team of wonderful staff who have the full and relevant qualifications required. Between us, we have decades of experience of working with young children and we keep up-to-date with relevant training and information.
Nursery Photos
The Two Rooms
Our Little Chicks room is for two and three year olds, who are not yet in their preschool year. The room is perfect for young children, who are exploring and playing. We carefully and intuitively support the development of: their personal, social and emotional skills, their communication and language and their physical development. Play opportunities are planned to ensure that they are developing their literacy, numeracy, understanding of the world and progression in expressive arts and design. We use development matters to inform our planning and to ensure that no child is left behind. The setting is calm and homely. The children pour themselves milk, help to tidy up and are encouraged to make choices. Our outdoor environment is an open invitation to explore and develop skills and knowledge further. We work closely with families.
Our Little Owls room is for preschool children who will be moving to reception the following year. The room is bursting with invitations to play: the home corner with babies, blankets, teddies and bottles, the loose parts area with dinosaurs and cornflakes, the target area with beanbags and balls to throw into the holes. The activities and play opportunities are carefully planned to ensure that the children are all developing well. The children have lots of opportunities to choose what and where they would like to learn, as well as having time to work in groups on a particular skill or knowledge-based activity. Language is at the heart of our learning and we prioritise vocabulary, stories and songs and speaking and listening activities.
Achieving a successful drop off
A Day in Nursery!
In nursery, we encourage the children to become active from the moment they step through the door! They organise their belongings independently as soon as they're able to and then they have some time to settle in and choose what they would like to do. This might be playing with one of the staff members in the sand and water or it might be playing with friends and peers in the construction area. The children are carefully registered and counted. We meet in our keyworker groups regularly to check in, plan the day or review what we've been doing.
The nursery rooms are carefully planned to give the children opportunities to develop through play. The activities change as the children progress. The staff observe, play with, talk to and teach the children as they play. The outdoor area is always available for children to learn in. Most of their time is spent playing and learning using the resources that have been carefully planned by the staff.
There are activities which are led by the adults, and children are invited to join in. These might be dice games, matching games, talking activities, painting or crafts etc. These activities run alongside the play activities so the children are always busy.
Sometimes, children need some extra support to ensure that they are on track compared to their peers. So we have groups for any areas where the children will benefit from further 1:1 or small group work. One of our most successful groups is "Time to Talk" and we often support children with their social and emotional skills and their physical development.
We help the children with toileting and handwashing, and we do encourage them to gain independence in this when they are ready.
We get together at snack time in our key worker groups. Children are invited to join in with their group for fruit and milk. Any allergies or preferences are taken into account and although we encourage the children to eat and drink, it is their choice. They have free access to their water bottles throughout the day. During this time, we develop language and maths skills. The children have to tidy up the snack things.
Some children stay for the morning, some stay for lunch, some come in the afternoon and some stay all day.
When we stop to tidy up, the children all have to join in. We reward good tidying with praise and sometimes a sticker! We sit together (when we're developmentally ready and able to sit) for short, snappy, interesting sessions. These sessions might include a story, a dance, a celebration or a counting rhyme. All activities are carefully planned to ensure development.
The children have a library book which they can change each week (or more often if you ask!)
... and before we know it, it is time to go home!!
What you need to bring for a nursery session. Please label everything!
- a water bottle containing plain water (other drinks will be replaced with water in line with our healthy schools policy)
- a plastic cup for their milk
- a warm/waterproof/lightweight coat depending on the weather
- a bookbag
- a change of clothes, including pants and socks
- nappies and wipes if needed
We will let you know if you need to pack anything else.
Healthy Teeth and Gums
We want your children to have the best possible start in life. Part of this is being healthy, including having healthy teeth and gums. You must register your child with a dentist (they are entitled to free NHS dental care) and they must have check-ups as soon as their teeth come through. You must supervise them with brushing, twice a day, for two minutes. You are responsible for their sugar intake. Water is best for sipping through the day. Milk is fine. Other drinks should be given only at mealtimes, and these should be diluted fruit juice or weak squash to limit the sugar attacks. Sweet treats should be limited and given at mealtimes, not as snacks.
We use Marvellous Me! to communicate with parents. You will receive a log-in. We can send messages, photographs and reminders.
Our Sessions
We aim to provide flexibility, to enable our parents to work or study. We offer full wraparound childcare in the nursery. We also run a holiday club to help with school holiday childcare. Please speak to the school office to book a place: 01902 500450.
Early Birds: 7.30 - 8.45 a.m.
Morning Nursery: 8.45-11.45 a.m. (3 hours)
Lunch Club: 11.45 a.m. - 12.15 p.m.
Afternoon Nursery: 12.15-3.15 p.m. (3 hours)
Night Owls: 3.15 - 6.00 p.m.
Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
If your child has any identified SEND, please speak to a member of staff in nursery and let the office know when you apply. We will need to meet with you before your child starts nursery to ensure that we have everything that we need in place. We may wish to place them on the SEND register and we may require other professionals to become involved. Mrs Culverhouse is our SEND co-ordinator, she will be happy to support you alongside the nursery staff.
Food and Drinks
We provide free milk for nursery children and free fruit each day. Please speak to staff and the office if your child has any dietary needs, allergies, preferences or religious observances.