Welcome to the parents section of our class page!
On this page, we will share information and documents of interest.
We hope that you find it useful!
Pioneer Centre
Our annual residential trip took place in February 2023.
The photographs and memories from the trip will be shared with you at the end of year concert that Year 4 will be putting on!
What is My Child Learning? How Can I Support My Child?
Head over to our Curriculum page (found here) to access Curriculum Planners. These provide an outline of the learning taking place in each half term. On the second page of the documents, you will find links to useful websites for each subject to help your child at home.
Homework Expectations
We expect the children to read at home for 20 minutes each day. The children have the opportunity to choose their own practice books from school and from the library which they can read at home. When your child has read for 20 minutes, please sign their reading diary and send it into school each day. The children will receive a reward each time they read at home.
We also send home a weekly spelling sheet every Monday with new spellings to learn. If the children bring in their completed spelling sheet before their weekly spelling test on a Monday, they will receive a reward.
For maths, we send a times tables practice sheet home each week for your child to practice their times tables. By the end of Year 4, the children are expected to know all of the multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. Therefore, it is important to help the children to learn their times tables. If the children bring back a completed times tables sheet, they will receive a reward in school.
All children have access to Bug Club and TT Rock Stars where there are a variety of online reading, spelling and maths activities.