Parents' Page
We thought it might be helpful to let you know the following information.
Our PE days: Tuesday and Wednesday
Please ensure all clothes, both indoor and outdoor kit (including pumps) are clearly labelled with your child’s name. On a Tuesday, if the weather is fine, we will do our PE session outside. As the weather turns colder it is fine to send in a sweatshirt/hoody and jogging bottoms that can be put on over standard PE kit for added warmth.
Our Library day: Our library day is Monday. Your child will have the chance to change their chosen library book every Monday afternoon.
Reading books and reading diaries:
We expect our children to try to read at home everyday for at least 20 minutes. (We suggest 10 minutes on a reading book and 10 minutes reading a bedtime story together.)
Please use your child's home reading diary to briefly record when your child reads at home. When you sign that you have listened to your child read, this indicates to staff that your child is ready for a new book to be sent home.
Your child will be bringing home two different types of reading book each week. Books with a red dot in the corner of the front cover are your child’s free choice home reading books that they can change as often as they like, every day if they wish. These books may contain sounds or tricky words that your child has not yet fully mastered and so are intended to be sharing books with you reading any parts that your child finds challenging. The other book will be a Bug Club reading book, allocated by the teacher from our fully decodable reading scheme and will contain sounds that your child has covered within their phonics lessons. We would like them to read this book to you several times over the week at home to not only help them practise blending their sounds to decode the words but to improve their fluency of the text when reading aloud. The Bug Club book will be changed every Thursday, providing the previous Bug Club book has been returned.
Your child will have the opportunity to change their home reading sharing book every day if they wish, but may want to keep them a little longer, changing them maybe 2 or 3 times a week. As the children will be choosing these books, you may also find that they may select a particular favourite more than once. This is fine and we often encourage children to read familiar books again and again to develop reading fluency and their use of expression. We refer to the books they bring home as their reading practise books and we always remind our children in school that practise makes permanent. You will have access to lots of exciting books on Bug Club too that you can read at home on a phone, tablet or computer.
Your child should have their reading book and reading diary in school every day please so that staff are able to closely monitor the reading that is happening at home. House points will be awarded to children who are regularly reading at home and extra house points will be given for additional reading on Bug Club. Special reading awards will be given out each week for children reading 5 times a week or more.
Drinks: Your child should bring their own small plastic bottle of water to school each day. Please ensure that the bottle is labelled with your child’s name and that it contains only water. The bottle must be taken home each night to be washed and refilled. Please do not put the bottles in book bags in case of leakage.
Max the Monkey: Max the Monkey is our class pet. The children will have the opportunity to take him home for the weekend and record his adventures in his diary. Please note: If you choose to put photographs of your child into Max’s diary, then you are giving consent for those photographs to be viewed by the other children in the class and their families when it is their turn to take the diary home.