Children's Page
We will be learning all about toys and homes in the past to create our very own Museum of Memories. We will be inviting our parents into our museum and we will be the guides.
Hook Question
Would your grandparents swap their toys for a games console, e.g. a Nintendo Switch?
This half term we will compare old toys with new toys and then look at how houses and household tasks have changed over time.
Here are some of the texts we will be using. You might even have some of them at home.
Make sure you keep an eye on the weekly Sway to find out key up-to-date information about our learning. Look out for the special link that will be sent out to you each week.
Max the Monkey is our class pet
In school we do phonics every day based on the Bug Club Phonics scheme. We get our planning from the Bug Club phonics website and we enjoy playing the games on there.
Keep an eye out on your Bug Club home account as we often share the games and books we look at in class with you to view again at home.
Bug Club is based on a document called Letters and Sounds: Click below for "A Parent's Guide to Letters and Sounds."
In school we follow the Penpals for Handwriting scheme. We believe handwriting is the foundation for learning as it allows us to express ourselves on paper, gives us confidence and allows us to have pride in our work.
The letters are split into 4 different families. We have the curly caterpillars, the long ladders (sometimes called long legged giraffes), the one arm robots and the zig zag monsters. At first, it is important that we learn to form the letters in each family correctly and learn how to position them on the line. We spend a lot of time working on this in Year 1. Once this is secure we will then move on to learning some basic joins.