History Curriculum Intent:
At Perton First, we recognise that pupils are entitled to a high-quality broad and balanced history curriculum. The curriculum is intended to inspire a love of history and encourage children to foster curiosity and a desire to learn more about the past. This will then lead to them developing a coherent knowledge and understanding of the past and how lives have changed over time, both within and beyond living memory.
At Perton First, we have a bespoke history curriculum that has been created to inspire our children to want to learn about the past. It helps children leave our school with an understanding of how Britain has been shaped by significant events and how this has impacted upon the lives of British people. The children have regular history lessons where they learn about significant times, people and events within history throughout the world. This learning is enhanced by school trips and projects within school.
We measure the impact of the history curriculum through monitoring of attainment levels of our children using our assessment trackers. Our children leave us with an understanding of the impact history has had on our island, along with the skills and processes they will need for future programmes of study.
History - Perton First School Subject Map
To view our school's subject map for History, click the above image or select it from the documents below.