Sports Page
Welcome to our Sports Page.
At Perton First School, sport is a highly valued aspect for our children in maintaining healthy lifestyles and a love for sports. For the last two years, we have maintained our Platinum School Games Mark Award which we are extremely proud of. We have a range of sports teams and out of school sports clubs for our children to get involved with.
Dates for this year:
On Tuesday 22nd October, we will be competing in the local Year 3 and 4 Cross Country competition. If your child is interested in competing, please speak to Mr. Walton and make sure they attend the trial on Wednesday 9th October at 12:30pm on the field.
A look back at 2023-24
Boys Football Team: Our Year 4 boys football team had a fantastic year in the league and at the Pattingham Sixes.
Girls Football Team: Our Year 4 Girls finished second in the league and had time at the Pattingham Sixes again finishing second.
Cross Country: Last year, we once again achieved the final stages at Cheslyn Hay with some fantastic runners. We will miss them next year but hope they continue running at Middle School.