At our school we reward good behaviour, as we believe that this will develop kind and caring children.
Here are some of the ways in which we praise and reward our children for good behaviour:
we congratulate them with a smile and a positive comment
we give them stickers
we award house points
we award ‘star of the day’
Golden Table - children who have behaved exceptionally well at lunchtime are awarded a Golden Table sticker and will sit on Golden Table with a friend of their choosing for a week.
We celebrate achievements every Friday in Shine Assembly
Children who have been chosen as 'Shining Stars' by their class teacher receive a Headteacher sticker and a certificate
Every child from Reception to Year 4 has a sticker chart where they collect stickers for being Star of the Day. When they reach key milestones, they receive awards in Shine Assembly. Their family are invited into Shine Assembly on Fridays to join the celebration!
- 28 stars - children are awarded a Bronze badge and certificate
42 stars - children are awarded a Silver badge and certificate
56 stars - children are awarded a Gold badge and certificate
70 stars - children are awarded a platinum badge and certificate
We also celebrate our children's achievements through:
Artist of the Week
Reader of the Week
Writer of the Week
Maths Star
Sports Star
Lyn Aston Trophy – this is awarded to a pupil who ‘goes the extra mile’ and is an exemplary role model for others.
We display and celebrate our children's achievements in Celebration Corner. Our children feel very proud when they are in Celebration Corner and they know how proud our school and their family is of their achievement.
This list is not exhaustive and we work very hard to acknowledge all the efforts and achievements of all our children, both in and out of school.