Maths Curriculum
When teaching Maths at Perton First School we intend to provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of each and every individual child in school. We provide challenge through varied and high quality activities with a focus on the important skills of fluency, problem solving and reasoning. Children explore Maths using the correct mathematical vocabulary to explain their workings. A wide range of manipulatives are used to enable the children to show their workings in a concrete way before moving on to pictorial representations and then finally formal methods. (see ppt below). Children are encouraged to be determined and resilient and to accept making mistakes is part of their learning from which they can learn.
Maths is taught as a discrete subject following the National Curriculum programmes of study. Where possible opportunities are maximised to use mathematical skills in other areas of learning. In order for pupils to progress to deeper and more complex problems we recognise that children need to be confident and fluent across each year groups objectives. We follow Rising Stars planning to ensure that the coverage and progression for each group. The school calculation policy is followed by all staff throughout school.
Each classroom has a range of mathematical resources including, Numicon, Base 10 and place value counters. We use a range of resources including, Rising Stars, NRICH, NCETM and Classroom Secrets. In lessons, opportunities are provided for the children to practise recalling facts (fluency) and to engage in reasoning and problem solving. Breadth and challenge are provided through our high quality teaching. We strive to continually improve the children's recall of important facts with our weekly Big Maths - 'Beat That' challenges and using Times Tables Rock Stars to improve knowledge of times tables.
We value the importance of using the outdoor area for Maths and each year group has a 'grab box' containing mathematical resources to use outside.
We are continuously striving to improve ourselves and share ideas amongst staff. The Maths Lead attends termly network meetings with other local schools and moderates work with colleagues from neighbouring schools. Pupils' progress is monitored against the expected attainment for their age using Key Performance Indicators. Assessment is used to ensure we are providing excellent provision to meet the needs of each and every child in school.
Through Learning Walks, Pupil Learning Conversations, Pupil Questionnaires and Book Trawls we can ensure progress is made across all year groups. Support is put into place where progress is not being made.
We use NFER for summative assessment. This assessment takes place at the end of each term and children's progress and attainment is discussed at pupil progress meetings. Formative assessment takes place each and every day with planning being adjusted by teachers accordingly to meet the needs of children in their Maths groups along with high quality support from TA'S.