Welcome parents of Kingfisher Class!
The information on this page will help you to support your child with their learning.
If you have a question that you cannot find the answer to, please chat to one of the Year 3 team at school.
Thank you
Key Information
Indoor PE - Tuesday
Outdoor PE - Friday
Please make sure children have the correct kit in school at the beginning of each half term. Please send warm tracksuits and trainers for outdoor PE as we will always try to get outside. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed before the lesson.
Spelling Test : Thursday
The children will have a spelling test every Thursday. We will send home the new words to learn on a Friday.
Reading: Everyday
Please send reading diaries to school everyday. This will allow children to choose new reading books as often as possible.
TT Rockstars: Friday
We have a weekly opportunity to practise our times tables in class. You can access this at home and this is a fun way of practising and embedding this aspect of maths. In school we have a weekly challenge over the year groups, encourage your child to join in the fun and log on!