Garden Gang
Gardening has started for 2024. We've planted some seeds in the greenhouse, the rhubarb is growing and we were lucky enough to win 5 fruit trees which have been planted between the mobile and the track.
12th September 2023
September harvest
July's harvest
Tuesday 18th July
As our final gardening session before we break up for the summer, some of our year 4 children harvested any fruits that were ready.
We collected a few crystal apple cucumbers, some courgettes and some peas. We then showed them to reception, year1,2 and 4 and told them that they were going to go the school kitchen so if they wanted to try them, they could have them with their school dinner.
Tuesday 4th July
Some year 2 children were very excited today to harvest the potatoes and plant some more. They then picked some lettuce and our first crystal apple cucumber. All these have been taken to the school kitchen to be used.
Tuesday 27th June
Another busy day in the garden. we weeded and planted some bedding plants so the nurture garden looks lovely.
We talked about how the plants are growing, looked at the flowers on the peas, cucumbers, tomatoes and courgettes. We tasted the first of the peas and saw a small apple crystal cucumber that looks like a pickle.
We picked the last of the strawberries and some lettuce which was then taken to the school kitchen.
We're looking forward to eating the fruit and vegetables when they have grown.
Tuesday 6th June
Today was a very busy day, weeding, planting and watering.
We now have potatoes, rhubarb, peas, raspberries, strawberries, courgettes, cucumbers and tomatoes growing that will be used in the school kitchen once they are ready to be harvested.
Summer planting 2023
Tuesday 21st March
Today we planted some crystal apple cucumber seeds which the children were excited to try in the summer. We also watered the existing seeds and noticed that we have some seedlings growing. We also planted some carrots in 3 rows in one of the raised beds.
We planted some wild flower seeds in some of the pots in the sensory garden.
Tuesday 14th March
Today some of the year 4 children planted some seed potatoes, cucumber seeds, courgette seeds and cauliflower seeds. They made sure all the seeds we've planted so far in the greenhouse were well watered. They said they were really looking forward to watching them grow and tasting them in the summer.
They also checked on the winter vegetables that we had planted last autumn and noted that the lettuce and curly kale are doing really well.
Garden 2023, 7th March, our first day back in the garden
Here are some of the comments from the children who have taken part in Gardening Gang this year.
Oliver: "I have learned how to grow fruit and vegetables from seeds and how to look after them. I enjoyed working outside with my friends to plant the vegetables."
April: "I enjoyed being part of Gardening Gang because I got to plant food. I'm looking forward to tasting the food when it's grown."
Toni : "I learned how to protect nature and what rhubarb looks like."
Logan: " I've learned to keep plants healthy they need water and sunlight."
Jacob: "I have learned that we must remember to water the plants so they can hydrate and grow bigger."
Eliza: " I have learned that the strawberries and cucumbers will grow from the flowers."
Vegetables and fruit have been harvested
Garden Gang!
Our 'Garden Gang' are responsible for planting, caring for and picking the fruit and vegetables in our wonderful school garden.
A small group of children from Y1 to Y4 are selected each Tuesday afternoon to help in the Garden Gang. The fruit and vegetables that are grown are used in the school kitchen at lunchtimes.
As the children have planted and cared for them, we hope that they will be willing to try some fruits and vegetables which they may have never eaten before!
What's Growing?
We have planted some winter vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli and onions. We have also planted some raspberries, strawberries and rhubarb ready for this summer. We have lots more vegetables and salad ready to plant in the spring.
We now have cabbages, broccoli, potatoes, onions, leeks, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries and rhubarb growing.
The children can't wait to harvest the food and add it to the school kitchen and start eating it!
*Update 07/06/22
Today the children were very excited to harvest our first salad and vegetables. They collected lettuce, onions, spring onions and leeks which we took to the school kitchen.
Now they can't wait to be eating them!
Photo's to follow.